
Sendit app
Sendit app

sendit app

The offerings are simple, question- and picture-based fair, like “Truth or Dare” and “Draw It,” but they can lead to some amusing exchanges. Sendit’s apps are currently ranked at No. While players can simply pose questions to participants, it’s far more entertaining to use the app’s dozen or so games. It’s incredibly simple to use and can be quite fun to play with close friends. Like its predecessors, sendit isn’t a standalone platform, but a third-party app that works with Snapchat. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. Anonymous lens game app sendit has stepped in to fill the void, offering a similar, albeit more creative, option for fans of the genre. Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more.

sendit app sendit app

Anonymous Q&A and polling apps, like Yolo and LMK, have been incredibly popular with young social media users, but their reputation for inviting bullying has also led to their suspension. This anonymous app could be amusing when used with trusted friends in a kind way, but it will likely spell trouble for younger people when used with acquaintances or strangers. But, that’s different than social-media-driven requests for others to tell me anonymous things without repercussions. Now, there are some teens who might benefit from sharing about their own lives anonymously in a forum due to some struggle or embarrassment (i.e., confessing a porn addiction and looking for guidance – we receive these).


Its very easy to use, just download the APK file and browse through the gallery until you choose a game you like. But it also invites you to create your own games. No app that allows anonymous feedback is healthy for teens. The sendit app is a compilation of social games and trivia questions to create unique and special stories on Snapchat.

Sendit app